自然から生み出す楽しみ!!The joy which can be created from nature!! ⬅︎(「マギせんせ。実際そんなの大変でつす〜!!” Excuse me Ma’m ! To tell the truth. That sounds too much !!
時間もないしね! We don’t have time for that ! 塾も宿題もあるし… I have a cram school lesson, my homework to do, etc~ etc.
お金払っちゃった方が 時間もエネルギーも節約できるよ。」と英ちゃん)We can just pay money to get all that. In that way, we can save time and labor ! That was said by Hanaechan.
さて〜昨日から新年のお勉強 … 中学生は
Cooking with the Sun 太陽熱を使った調理器でクッキング することについて教科書にあり。
(ですから ダンボールとアルミホイルで作るソーラクッキング調理器が大きな助けになるそうです。)
Two thirds of developing countries worker’s income is used for fuel.
と 中学生の霞さん〜上手に訳せましたね! 明日は英さんの英文を紹介します。
These so called “developing” countries don`t need to be “developed.” They just need to strengthen their traditional agrarian culture and update some of their farming methods.They can use solar power and create gas from human excrement.That will cut their fuel bills enormously.
A simple lifestyle is nearly always the cheapest and the best. They need to achieve a balance between modern comforts and a low stress lifestyle.