こんな 言い方しないな〜



Which country is your most favorite among the countries you have visited?

でも⬆︎日常ではこの言い方はしませんね。これ⬇︎が 正しい です。

What was your favorite country,you visited?

What is your favorite country,youve ever visited ?

上の文はwas is の部分が違いますが 同じ意味になります。

Whats the last country you visited ? (youve ever visited)

 ※訂正: your last countryでなくthe last country.

What was your interest there ?

What interested you there ?

What did you find interesting there ?

デイビッドTaiwan has many colorful festivals.

Every town or village has itsown god.

So,everyday is some gods birthday.

★ What was the most interesting thing about  Berlin?

よし子さん  Even though its a big city there is lots of nature and greenery.

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