Lady Kasuga and the Divine forces
徳川家康は 自分の将来将軍の跡継ぎとなる孫の世話役教育者に
職を失い 体制から 追い詰められる 気持ち 罪人とされたり、欠乏や失望を 理解できる女性が 選ばれたのです。
天は 誰が 誠実さを持ち 心を配れる人物か ご存知ですから この時期仕事もキャンセルされ 失業された 私達 生き残り 良い社会を 創造しましょう。
春日局についてTokugawa Shogunate needed a wet nurse for his grandchild.
He didn’t want any soft, wish-y-wash-y person.
He eventually found a woman who was tough and resilient. Why ?
Because her father was a Samurai who was a retainer of Akechi Mitsuhide who betrayed his Lord Oda Nobunaga.
During that time the government was hunting for the betrayer’s feudal leader’s family and of course Ofuku,who was only 5years old.
She fled with her mother to the mountains.
So she went into isolation for 20 years .
If she had gone looking for toilet paper or face masks she would have been arrested and had her head chopped off!
However,It had made her strong and wise. Also,she became a lady who understood people’s suffering.
Even though Ofuku was descended from the betrayer’s feudal family,Tokugawa Ieyasu chose Ofuku.
Heaven was looking after her.
Divine forces protected her