★ 朝のSkype ネタは絶えていません。
マギ Did you come up with any new ideas recently ?
蕾さん Yes, I did ! I’m taking care of the toilet of my house this evening.
And I’m going to be rich tomorrow.
★ Mrs.👷♀️伊藤さん、🐶マギ、🎩デイビットの会話です。
🐶Are the leaves in Hokkaido changing colors now ?
Mrs.👷♀️The leaves in Hokkaido changed colors some time ago.
The ground is covered with snow,now.
🐶Did you come up with any new ideas recently?
Mrs.👷♀️I’ve been studying about investment,So,I opened an online cyber bank account through a website.
🎩Blue Chip enterprises are usually the best.
Be aware of investment scams!
Mrs.👷♀️Too many people invest money in armaments,oil and mining… !?
🐶 Bill Gates thinks that environmental improvement is more worthwhile than making big profits.