さて…さて〜 新年、中学生の男の子は、特に将来について いろいろ考えているのだな〜と 思わせることがありました。
アパートルーム(マンションと日本人は言います。) や家のローンと、アパートの管理費、固定資産税 を払えなくなる住人、そこでスラム化する高層マンションとか〜
今が36年のローンを組める最後の年齢だよ〜… ということで、
持ち家やマンション( アパートルーム)売るとき、「最近の経済状況はですね… 資産価値は毎年安くなるのですよ〜」と言われる…ことが多くある。
お水が電気などのポンプ無しで上階まで行く範囲は2階まで、とか〜 」
David’s rant of the day !!
Students are rarely taught about the negative side effects of taking out a house mortgage. They are not warned of the ongoing interest charges.They don`t realize that their property will lose value year by year. Generally in Japan the only people that make money from property would be estate agents and banks. Students should be warned of the bank loan trap .They will have to sweat blood and tears for 37 years and end up with a broken down, worthless house. They will have to endure a whole life of stress and strain just to live in a matchbox, in a congested city. If this was taught in public schools the teacher would probably lose his job. It would be more profitable to buy a low priced old house just outside a city and renovate it. You would only need to work part time a couple of days a week and you could spend more time enjoying your life, instead of making other people rich.