● 戦争を扇動する組織は 争う国々両者に武器を販売します。
War-mongering organisations sell arms to warring nations.
戦勝国も敗戦国も 武器に大金を使い 人命も失います。
Both victorious and defeated countries spend a fortune on arms and lose lives.
軍産複合体は 大金を得て 私服を肥やし。(信じられない うそ!)
We are talking about an organisation that makes a lot of money and fattens its pockets.
その戦争屋は 荒廃した地域で悪を働きます。
We need to know more about the organisations that work against us in the devastated areas.
● War-mongering organisations sell arms to warring nations.
Both victorious and defeated countries spend a fortune on arms and lose lives.
We are talking about an organisation that makes a lot of money and fattens its pockets.
We need to know more about the organisations that work against us in the devastated areas.